NOTE : Only indian users eligible for payment and international users can advertise and can enjoy live chat & video conference


Adviuz pays you the most to its Members
NO Registration fees to join, no investment required to payout.

Adviuz allows you to earn real money simply by
1. Viewing Latest Schemes, Offers, attractive discounts offered our advertisers.
2. Watching Youtube Videos
3. Chatting with Strangers & making them your Friends
4. Playing Games
You can join and start earning completely free.

Not only earning , this site allows you to promote your Business, Social Pages, Banners & Youtube Videos here to get millions of live audiences in just a matter of seconds.

how much you can earn with adviuz

The income you make will vary depending on a few factors including
1. Amount of time you remain active on site
2. Type of advertisement viewed etc
Here's an example:
If you clicks 20 ads of ad value Rs.0.50 and ad duration 2 minute a day, you can earn Rs.10 in 2 minutes
You can earn even more by chating with strangers and making them your friends. You will be getting 10% Commision from your friends Income
Let us consider an example where you have 250 friends in other social networking site. Those friends are not giving you any benifit there in terms of money but if you make friends at this site , this site will help you earn even more than what you have never expected.
Lets calculate
Suppose you are daily active in our chatrooms and making 10 friends a day, 300 friends a month. Each of your friend earn Rs.10 per day therefore 300 friends are earning Rs.3000 per day and you are getting 10% of 3000 i.e
Earning = Rs.300 per day in 2 minutes
Earning = Rs.9000 per month in 1 Hour
Earning = Rs.72000 per year in 12 hourss

suppose if you referrer 1000 friends in social media like face book, twitter, then
Earnings = Rs. 1000 per day in 2 minutes
Earnings = Rs. 30000 per month in 1 hour
Earnings = Rs. 360000 per year in 12 hours

Suppose if you have 2000 friends then imagine..............


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